HSTP facilitates the change of health systems so that everyone has fair access to quality healthcare services.

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Improving efficiency in resource utilization
Health Financing & Planning
Improving access to health services, especially secondary care and financial protections
Health Assurance

Human Resources for Health

Service Delivery
Assessing and improving Access to Drugs & Diagnostics
Access to Medicines

About HSTP

The Health Systems Transformation Platform (HSTP) is an Indian homegrown not-for-profit organization. Set up to catalyze health impact in states, HSTP delivers contextualized and evidence-backed recommendations to strengthen, enhance, and increase the efficiency of public health systems. With its multidisciplinary team of public health experts, HSTP leverages knowledge for good by creating a space where theory meets practice, where policies are forged by evidence, and where healthcare delivery meets societal needs. With a focus on health equity, HSTP bridges systems and partners with global and national public health expertise to advance outcomes through implementation research.

How We Work

HSTP operates as a nonprofit institution to facilitate the change of systems so that everyone has fair access to reasonably priced, high-quality healthcare services, leading to better health outcomes.

HSTP diligently conducts research to generate evidence and knowledge products. 97 Studies / Papers / Briefs / Tools developed.
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Designs evidence-based strategies for health systems strengthening. 18 Consultations that influenced health systems strengthening in India.
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Validates the strategies through implementation research. 8 strategic partnerships with State governments / Health departments to strengthen public health systems.
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Builds capacity of researchers on health policy and systems research to scale the results. 110 Policymakers & 58 researchers trained in HPSR. 16 Capacity-building interventions.
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Recent Updates

Apr 23, 2024
The Transformation Tracker March 2024 Volume 05

In the wake of International Women’s Day, March ushered in a time of reflection on the progress and challenges facing women worldwide. As we honor the strides made in the pursuit of gender equal

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Apr 24, 2024
Transforming Healthcare Leadership of Odisha Medical Officers

In the context of accelerated change in the Indian health system, Ayushman Bharat and the post-COVID-19 scenario emphasize that strong leadership and team management are essential for the successful i

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Mar 10, 2024
The Transformation Tracker February 2024 Volume 04

As February draws to a close, our attention turns to the imminent arrival of International Women’s Day on March 8th. This annual observance serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing global ef

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Apr 25, 2024
Best Practices in Procurement and Supply Chain Management Systems for Medicines

This paper examines the best practices in supply chain management systems that can be adopted to increase the availability of essential medicines until the last mile. The focus is on innovative m

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Apr 25, 2024
Stakeholders Consultation on Developing Comprehensive Primary Health Care Model in Mysuru City

A consortia including GoK, KHPT, and Landmark Group's CSR wing implements a pilot project in Mysuru since 2017, aiming to scale up NCD programs and address health system gaps like poor awareness a

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Apr 25, 2024
Strengthening BSKY Operations Medical Audits

In Odisha, HSTP supports Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY) through technical assistance to enhance program implementation. This includes capacity building, process reorientation, and stakeholder enga

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Founded by
Prof (Dr) Maharaj Kishan Bhan
Seed Funded by
Tata Trust


What Partners Says About Us?

WHO India leadership advocated for addressing mental health aspects alongside emergencies, recognizing the psychological distress patients may endure, and underscored the importance of data-driven decisions and timely interventions for the systemic development of the emergency care system

WHO India

WHO India

The significance of establishing governance, ensuring Absolute Budget Certainty (ABC) in emergency care, and implementing robust information technology systems serves as a testament to his commitment to sustainable change and achieving Sustainable Development targets. Moreover, his dedication to enhancing pre-hospital care services and elevating ambulance quality reflects his profound understanding of the evolving healthcare landscape and the imperative to meet its dynamic needs.

Dr. (Brig.) Kannan Venkatnarayan,

Officer on Special Duty, National Institute for Transforming India Aayog, Government of India

Our Collaborators

Tata Trust
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
Harvard School of Public Health
National Health Authority

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