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The Think Tank in Action

By Rajeev Sadanandan Jan 10, 2024

HSTP's commitment to impactful research was demonstrated through various publications, addressing critical aspects of healthcare delivery. The team’s research focused on areas such as a health systems assessment framework, procurement and supply chain management, home healthcare, medical laboratory services, and ambulance services. These studies highlighted key challenges and proposed recommendations for improving healthcare delivery across diverse domains. They will also guide the team in their further work in the respective areas.

Leading the public health discourse in the country, HSTP conducted collaborative studies on decentralization in health, disseminated the Lancet Global Health Commission Reports, and continued to contribute to publications in reputable journals. Topics focused on crucial aspects of health financing, fairness in health financing for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and policymaking perspectives, fostering discourse and providing valuable insights for shaping healthcare policies and practices.

In a recent development, the joint proposal submitted by the Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), Bhubaneswar, and HSTP was shortlisted for a Multisite Implementation Research on strengthening HWCs in India by ICMR.


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